In [1]:
import json
import requests
%matplotlib inline

In [2]:
url = ""
params = {'$where':'event_clearance_description = "NOISE DISTURBANCE"','$limit':50000}
response = requests.get(url,params = params)
print response.url

In [4]:
import pandas as pd
noise_data_r = pd.read_json(response.url)
#noise_data = pd.read_csv("noise_report.csv",sep='\t', encoding='utf-8')

In [5]:

(36501, 19)

In [6]:
#noise_data.to_csv("noise_report.csv",sep='\t', encoding='utf-8')

In [86]:

at_scene_time cad_cdw_id cad_event_number census_tract district_sector event_clearance_code event_clearance_date event_clearance_description event_clearance_group event_clearance_subgroup general_offense_number hundred_block_location incident_location initial_type_description initial_type_group initial_type_subgroup latitude longitude zone_beat
0 2012-12-21 21:21:00 1004299 12000435444 10600.4000 W 244 2012-12-21T21:44:00.000 NOISE DISTURBANCE DISTURBANCES DISTURBANCES 2012435444 64XX BLOCK OF CALIFORNIA AVE SW {u'type': u'Point', u'coordinates': [-122.3872... FIREWORKS - NUISANCE (NO HAZARD) MISCELLANEOUS MISDEMEANORS MISCELLANEOUS MISDEMEANORS 47.545680 -122.387206 W3
1 2012-12-21 20:53:00 1004323 12000435440 10900.2001 O 244 2012-12-21T21:17:00.000 NOISE DISTURBANCE DISTURBANCES DISTURBANCES 2012435440 62XX BLOCK OF STANLEY AVE S {u'type': u'Point', u'coordinates': [-122.3155... NOISE - DISTURBANCE (PARTY, ETC) DISTURBANCES DISTURBANCES 47.547482 -122.315509 O3
2 2012-12-21 20:10:00 1004339 12000435342 6600.3007 D 244 2012-12-21T20:38:00.000 NOISE DISTURBANCE DISTURBANCES DISTURBANCES 2012435342 YALE AV E / E NEWTON ST {u'type': u'Point', u'coordinates': [-122.3271... NUISANCE - MISCHIEF MISCELLANEOUS MISDEMEANORS MISCELLANEOUS MISDEMEANORS 47.636764 -122.327118 D2
3 2012-12-21 19:55:00 1004343 12000435364 10900.2072 O 244 2012-12-21T19:59:00.000 NOISE DISTURBANCE DISTURBANCES DISTURBANCES 2012435364 65XX BLOCK OF 5TH PL S {u'type': u'Point', u'coordinates': [-122.3272... HAZ - POTENTIAL THRT TO PHYS SAFETY (NO HAZMAT) HAZARDS HAZARDS 47.544907 -122.327272 O3
4 2012-12-21 17:33:00 1004457 12000435108 9600.2013 W 244 2012-12-21T19:47:00.000 NOISE DISTURBANCE DISTURBANCES DISTURBANCES 2012435108 42XX BLOCK OF SW ADMIRAL WAY {u'type': u'Point', u'coordinates': [-122.3858... NOISE - DISTURBANCE (PARTY, ETC) DISTURBANCES DISTURBANCES 47.581191 -122.385859 W1
5 NaT 1004596 12000440340 7800.3012 G 244 2012-12-26T21:22:00.000 NOISE DISTURBANCE DISTURBANCES DISTURBANCES 2012440340 3XX BLOCK OF 32ND AVE {u'type': u'Point', u'coordinates': [-122.2915... NaN NaN NaN 47.604835 -122.291588 G3
6 NaT 100466 10000370151 8600.2007 E 244 2010-10-22T23:43:00.000 NOISE DISTURBANCE DISTURBANCES DISTURBANCES 2010370151 4XX BLOCK OF 11TH AVE {u'type': u'Point', u'coordinates': [-122.3181... NaN NaN NaN 47.605702 -122.318109 E3
7 NaT 101506 10000371516 8002.2008 M 244 2010-10-24T04:01:00.000 NOISE DISTURBANCE DISTURBANCES DISTURBANCES 2010371516 XX BLOCK OF BELL ST {u'type': u'Point', u'coordinates': [-122.3478... NaN NaN NaN 47.612378 -122.347802 M1
8 NaT 100472 10000370135 8200.2007 D 244 2010-10-22T23:33:00.000 NOISE DISTURBANCE DISTURBANCES DISTURBANCES 2010370135 9XX BLOCK OF 8TH AVE {u'type': u'Point', u'coordinates': [-122.3281... NaN NaN NaN 47.607588 -122.328145 D3
9 NaT 100475 10000369949 6700.2010 D 244 2010-10-22T20:38:00.000 NOISE DISTURBANCE DISTURBANCES DISTURBANCES 2010369949 8XX BLOCK OF 4TH AVE N {u'type': u'Point', u'coordinates': [-122.3488... NaN NaN NaN 47.626725 -122.348860 D1
10 NaT 1004795 12000440339 11200.1020 F 244 2012-12-26T21:55:00.000 NOISE DISTURBANCE DISTURBANCES DISTURBANCES 2012440339 93XX BLOCK OF 7TH AVE S {u'type': u'Point', u'coordinates': [-122.3249... NaN NaN NaN 47.520477 -122.324978 F3
11 2012-12-20 21:56:00 1004883 12000434216 10400.8003 R 244 2012-12-21T01:06:00.000 NOISE DISTURBANCE DISTURBANCES DISTURBANCES 2012434216 48XX BLOCK OF 24TH AVE S {u'type': u'Point', u'coordinates': [-122.3028... ROBBERY - IP/JO (INCLUDES STRONG ARM) ROBBERY ROBBERY 47.559039 -122.302866 R2
12 2012-12-20 23:37:00 1004884 12000434256 7400.3004 E 244 2012-12-20T23:45:00.000 NOISE DISTURBANCE DISTURBANCES DISTURBANCES 2012434256 17XX BLOCK OF E OLIVE WAY {u'type': u'Point', u'coordinates': [-122.3226... NOISE - DIST, GENERAL (CONST, RESID, BALL PLAY) NOISE DISTURBANCE DISTURBANCES 47.619895 -122.322640 E1
13 2012-12-20 23:24:00 1004896 12000434198 10900.2001 O 244 2012-12-20T23:38:00.000 NOISE DISTURBANCE DISTURBANCES DISTURBANCES 2012434198 62XX BLOCK OF STANLEY AVE S {u'type': u'Point', u'coordinates': [-122.3155... NOISE - DIST, GENERAL (CONST, RESID, BALL PLAY) NOISE DISTURBANCE DISTURBANCES 47.547482 -122.315509 O3
14 2012-12-20 22:55:00 1004903 12000434254 4300.1008 U 244 2012-12-20T23:02:00.000 NOISE DISTURBANCE DISTURBANCES DISTURBANCES 2012434254 57XX BLOCK OF 27TH AVE NE {u'type': u'Point', u'coordinates': [-122.2985... NOISE - DISTURBANCE (PARTY, ETC) DISTURBANCES DISTURBANCES 47.669255 -122.298512 U1
15 NaT 1004929 12000434129 3300.3006 B 244 2012-12-20T22:08:00.000 NOISE DISTURBANCE DISTURBANCES DISTURBANCES 2012434129 14XX BLOCK OF NW 63RD ST {u'type': u'Point', u'coordinates': [-122.3748... NaN NaN NaN 47.674546 -122.374894 B2
16 2012-12-20 15:17:00 1005110 12000433784 300.3007 N 244 2012-12-20T15:17:00.000 NOISE DISTURBANCE DISTURBANCES DISTURBANCES 2012433784 143XX BLOCK OF LENORA PL N {u'type': u'Point', u'coordinates': [-122.3434... NOISE - DISTURBANCE (PARTY, ETC) DISTURBANCES DISTURBANCES 47.732665 -122.343408 N1
17 NaT 100526 10000370080 3200.3011 B 244 2010-10-22T22:50:00.000 NOISE DISTURBANCE DISTURBANCES DISTURBANCES 2010370080 24XX BLOCK OF NW MARKET ST {u'type': u'Point', u'coordinates': [-122.3888... NaN NaN NaN 47.668674 -122.388861 B2
18 NaT 100727 10000370358 4200.6012 L 244 2010-10-23T02:45:00.000 NOISE DISTURBANCE DISTURBANCES DISTURBANCES 2010370358 55XX BLOCK OF 29TH AVE NE {u'type': u'Point', u'coordinates': [-122.2962... NaN NaN NaN 47.670347 -122.296214 L3
19 NaT 1005453 12000440280 3300.3006 B 244 2012-12-27T00:51:00.000 NOISE DISTURBANCE DISTURBANCES DISTURBANCES 2012440280 14XX BLOCK OF NW 63RD ST {u'type': u'Point', u'coordinates': [-122.3748... NaN NaN NaN 47.674546 -122.374894 B2

In [8]:

<class 'pandas.core.frame.DataFrame'>
Int64Index: 36501 entries, 0 to 36500
Data columns (total 19 columns):
at_scene_time                  5517 non-null datetime64[ns]
cad_cdw_id                     36501 non-null int64
cad_event_number               36501 non-null int64
census_tract                   36496 non-null object
district_sector                36501 non-null object
event_clearance_code           36501 non-null int64
event_clearance_date           36498 non-null object
event_clearance_description    36501 non-null object
event_clearance_group          36501 non-null object
event_clearance_subgroup       36501 non-null object
general_offense_number         36501 non-null int64
hundred_block_location         36501 non-null object
incident_location              36501 non-null object
initial_type_description       19152 non-null object
initial_type_group             19152 non-null object
initial_type_subgroup          19152 non-null object
latitude                       36501 non-null float64
longitude                      36501 non-null float64
zone_beat                      36501 non-null object
dtypes: datetime64[ns](1), float64(2), int64(4), object(12)
memory usage: 5.6+ MB

Fill missing value: (missing date and time)

In [63]:
# fill with last known values
#noise_data2 = noise_data_r.copy()
#noise_data2['at_scene_time'].bfill(inplace = True)
#noise_data2.dropna(subset = ['at_scene_time'], axis = 0, inplace = True)
#noise_data1 = noise_data_r.copy()
#noise_data1['at_scene_time'].ffill(inplace = True)
#noise_data1.dropna(subset = ['at_scene_time'],axis = 0, inplace = True)
noise_data = noise_data_r.copy()
noise_data['ff_at_scene_time'] = noise_data_r['at_scene_time'].ffill()
noise_data['bf_at_scene_time'] = noise_data_r['at_scene_time'].bfill()

In [64]:

<class 'pandas.core.frame.DataFrame'>
Int64Index: 36501 entries, 0 to 36500
Data columns (total 21 columns):
at_scene_time                  5517 non-null datetime64[ns]
cad_cdw_id                     36501 non-null int64
cad_event_number               36501 non-null int64
census_tract                   36496 non-null object
district_sector                36501 non-null object
event_clearance_code           36501 non-null int64
event_clearance_date           36498 non-null object
event_clearance_description    36501 non-null object
event_clearance_group          36501 non-null object
event_clearance_subgroup       36501 non-null object
general_offense_number         36501 non-null int64
hundred_block_location         36501 non-null object
incident_location              36501 non-null object
initial_type_description       19152 non-null object
initial_type_group             19152 non-null object
initial_type_subgroup          19152 non-null object
latitude                       36501 non-null float64
longitude                      36501 non-null float64
zone_beat                      36501 non-null object
ff_at_scene_time               36501 non-null datetime64[ns]
bf_at_scene_time               36501 non-null datetime64[ns]
dtypes: datetime64[ns](3), float64(2), int64(4), object(12)
memory usage: 6.1+ MB

Noise versus seasons and time

In [80]:
# form another column about hours
# form another column about date
# form another column about months: spring: 3-5; Summer: 6-8; Autumn: 9-11;Winter: 12-2
def getSeason(d):
    mo = d.month
    if mo>=3 and mo<=5:
        return 'spring'
    elif mo>=6 and mo<=8:
        return 'summer'
    elif mo>=9 and mo<=11:
        return 'autumn'
        return 'winter'
testrow = noise_data.iloc[1,:]
print getSeason(testrow.at_scene_time), testrow.at_scene_time.hour,
noise_data['fhour'] = noise_data.apply(lambda row:row['ff_at_scene_time'].hour, axis = 1)
noise_data['fdate'] = noise_data.apply(lambda row:row['ff_at_scene_time'].date(),axis = 1)
noise_data['fseason'] = noise_data.apply(lambda row:getSeason(row['ff_at_scene_time']), axis = 1)
noise_data['fyear'] = noise_data.apply(lambda row:row['ff_at_scene_time'].year, axis = 1)
noise_data['bhour'] = noise_data.apply(lambda row:row['bf_at_scene_time'].hour, axis = 1)
noise_data['bdate'] = noise_data.apply(lambda row:row['bf_at_scene_time'].date(),axis = 1)
noise_data['bseason'] = noise_data.apply(lambda row:getSeason(row['bf_at_scene_time']), axis = 1)
noise_data['byear'] = noise_data.apply(lambda row:row['bf_at_scene_time'].year, axis = 1)
noise_data['hour'] = noise_data.apply(lambda row:row['at_scene_time'].hour, axis = 1)
noise_data['date'] = noise_data.apply(lambda row:row['at_scene_time'].date(),axis = 1)
noise_data['season'] = noise_data.apply(lambda row:getSeason(row['bf_at_scene_time']), axis = 1)
noise_data['year'] = noise_data.apply(lambda row:row['at_scene_time'].year, axis = 1)
print noise_data['year'].is_monotonic

winter 20 2012-12-21

In [81]:
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import numpy as np
hour_bin = np.linspace(0,24,25)
f, (ax1,ax2,ax3) = plt.subplots(1,3, sharey=True,figsize = (15,5))
ax1.hist(noise_data['hour'].dropna(),bins = hour_bin)
ax1.set_ylabel('Numbers of noise complaints')
ax2.hist(noise_data['fhour'],bins = hour_bin)
    0.95, 0.05,
    'Data source: 911 Seattle City police report\n$\copyright$ ZhouYu',
    ha='right', va='bottom',
    color='gray',alpha = 0.5)
ax3.hist(noise_data['bhour'],bins = hour_bin)
#ax2.set_ylabel('Numbers of noise complaints')

In [74]:
ini_datetime = noise_data['at_scene_time'].min()
end_datetime = noise_data['at_scene_time'].max()
print noise_data['at_scene_time'].min(), noise_data['at_scene_time'].max()
st_datetime = pd.to_datetime('2011/1/1')
ed_datetime = pd.to_datetime('2016/12/31 23:59:59')
print st_datetime, ed_datetime
season_analysis_ff = noise_data.ix[(noise_data['ff_at_scene_time']>=st_datetime)&(noise_data['ff_at_scene_time']<=ed_datetime)]
seasonal_noise_ff = (season_analysis_ff['fseason'].value_counts()).to_dict()
season_analysis_bf = noise_data.ix[(noise_data['bf_at_scene_time']>=st_datetime)&(noise_data['bf_at_scene_time']<=ed_datetime)]
seasonal_noise_bf = (season_analysis_bf['bseason'].value_counts()).to_dict()
noise_s =noise_data.dropna(subset = ['at_scene_time'],axis = 0)
season_analysis = noise_s.ix[(noise_data['at_scene_time']>=st_datetime)&(noise_data['at_scene_time']<=ed_datetime)]
seasonal_noise = (season_analysis['season'].value_counts()).to_dict()
print seasonal_noise_ff
print seasonal_noise_bf
print seasonal_noise
#print noise_data['season'].value_counts()
labels = seasonal_noise.keys()
freq = np.array(seasonal_noise.values())
freq= freq/float(np.sum(freq))
labels_ff = seasonal_noise_ff.keys()
freq_ff = np.array(seasonal_noise_ff.values())
freq_ff = freq_ff/float(np.sum(freq_ff))
labels_bf = seasonal_noise_bf.keys()
freq_bf = np.array(seasonal_noise_bf.values())
freq_bf = freq_bf/float(np.sum(freq_bf))
explode = (0,0,0.1,0)
fig1,(ax1,ax2,ax3) = plt.subplots(1,3,figsize = (15,5))
ax1.pie(freq,explode = explode,labels = labels,autopct = '%1.1f%%',shadow = True, startangle = 90)
ax2.pie(freq_ff,explode = explode,labels = labels,autopct = '%1.1f%%',shadow = True, startangle = 90)
ax2.set_title('Forward Fill')
    0.95, 0.05,
    'Data source: 911 Seattle City police report\n$\copyright$ ZhouYu',
    ha='right', va='bottom',
    color='gray',alpha = 0.5)
ax3.pie(freq_bf,explode = explode,labels = labels,autopct = '%1.1f%%',shadow = True, startangle = 90)
ax3.set_title('Backward Fill')

2010-12-31 23:32:00 2017-03-05 15:52:52
2011-01-01 00:00:00 2016-12-31 23:59:59
{'autumn': 5918, 'summer': 7514, 'winter': 17833, 'spring': 4521}
{'autumn': 5875, 'summer': 20751, 'winter': 4601, 'spring': 4523}
{'autumn': 1584, 'summer': 1672, 'winter': 1002, 'spring': 1071}

In [163]:
yearly_noise= (season_analysis['year'].value_counts()).to_dict()
years = sorted(yearly_noise.keys())
noise_byyear = [yearly_noise[x] for x in years]
yearly_noise_ff = (season_analysis_ff['fyear'].value_counts()).to_dict()
years_ff = sorted(yearly_noise_ff.keys())
noise_byyear_ff = [yearly_noise_ff[x] for x in years_ff]
yearly_noise_bf = (season_analysis_bf['byear'].value_counts()).to_dict()
years_bf = sorted(yearly_noise_bf.keys())
noise_byyear_bf = [yearly_noise_bf[x] for x in years_bf]
print years
fig, (ax1,ax2,ax3) = plt.subplots(1,3,sharey = True,figsize = (15,5))
ax1.set_xticklabels(map(str,years),rotation = 45)
ax1.set_ylabel('number of noise complaints')
ax2.set_xticklabels(map(str,years_ff),rotation = 45)
ax2.set_title('Forward Fill')
    0.95, 0.05,
    'Data source: 911 Seattle City police report\n$\copyright$ ZhouYu',
    ha='right', va='bottom',
    color='gray',alpha = 0.5)
ax3.set_xticklabels(map(str,years_bf),rotation = 45)
ax3.set_title('Backward Fill')

[2011.0, 2012.0, 2013.0, 2014.0, 2015.0, 2016.0]

Add*: It seems that most complains happen in 2015

1. Use event_clearance_date as an approximation of event date time

In [122]:
clear_noise = season_analysis.dropna(subset = ['event_clearance_date'],axis = 0)
clear_noise['event_clearance_datetime'] = pd.to_datetime(clear_noise['event_clearance_date'])
clear_noise['process_time'] = clear_noise['event_clearance_datetime']-clear_noise['at_scene_time']
clear_noise['process_time'] = clear_noise.apply(lambda row:row['process_time'].seconds/60, axis = 1)

In [137]:
plt.hist(clear_noise['process_time'],bins = 'auto')
plt.xlabel('process time/ minutes')
plt.ylabel('Number of noise complaints')
plt.title('process time')
    0.95, 0.05,
    'Data source: 911 Seattle City police report\n$\copyright$ ZhouYu',
    ha='left', va='top',
    color='gray',alpha = 0.5)

It seems that use clerance date would be good approximation!

In [155]:
clear_noise_s = (noise_data_r.dropna(subset = ['event_clearance_date'],axis = 0)).copy()
clear_noise_s['event_clearance_datetime'] = pd.to_datetime(clear_noise_s['event_clearance_date'])
print a.shape
print clear_noise_s.shape
#clear_noise_s['event_clearance_datetime'] #=

(36498, 20)

In [156]:
clear_noise_s['hour'] = clear_noise_s.apply(lambda row:row['event_clearance_datetime'].hour, axis = 1)
clear_noise_s['date'] = clear_noise_s.apply(lambda row:row['event_clearance_datetime'].date(),axis = 1)
clear_noise_s['season'] = clear_noise_s.apply(lambda row:getSeason(row['event_clearance_datetime']), axis = 1)
clear_noise_s['year'] = clear_noise_s.apply(lambda row:row['event_clearance_datetime'].year, axis = 1)
clc_season_analysis = clear_noise_s.ix[(clear_noise_s['event_clearance_datetime']>=st_datetime)&(clear_noise_s['event_clearance_datetime']<=ed_datetime)]

In [160]:
seasonal_noise_c = (clc_season_analysis['season'].value_counts()).to_dict()
labels = seasonal_noise_c.keys()
freq = np.array(seasonal_noise_c.values())
freq= freq/float(np.sum(freq))
fig, ax = plt.subplots()
ax.pie(freq,explode = explode,labels = labels,autopct = '%1.1f%%',shadow = True, startangle = 90)
ax.set_title('Clearance date')
    0.95, 0.05,
    'Data source: 911 Seattle City police report\n$\copyright$ ZhouYu',
    ha='right', va='bottom',
    color='gray',alpha = 0.5)

In [164]:
yearly_noise= (clc_season_analysis['year'].value_counts()).to_dict()
years = sorted(yearly_noise.keys())
noise_byyear = [yearly_noise[x] for x in years]
fig, ax1= plt.subplots()
ax1.set_xticklabels(map(str,years),rotation = 45)
    0.95, 0.05,
    'Data source: 911 Seattle City police report\n$\copyright$ ZhouYu',
    ha='right', va='bottom',
    color='gray',alpha = 0.5)
ax1.set_title('Clearance date')
ax1.set_ylabel('Numbers of noise complaints')

Noise versus locations

In [ ]:

In [102]:

at_scene_time                                                2012-12-21 20:53:00
cad_cdw_id                                                               1004323
cad_event_number                                                     12000435440
census_tract                                                          10900.2001
district_sector                                                                O
event_clearance_code                                                         244
event_clearance_date                                     2012-12-21T21:17:00.000
event_clearance_description                                    NOISE DISTURBANCE
event_clearance_group                                               DISTURBANCES
event_clearance_subgroup                                            DISTURBANCES
general_offense_number                                                2012435440
hundred_block_location                               62XX BLOCK OF STANLEY AVE S
incident_location              {u'type': u'Point', u'coordinates': [-122.3155...
initial_type_description                        NOISE - DISTURBANCE (PARTY, ETC)
initial_type_group                                                  DISTURBANCES
initial_type_subgroup                                               DISTURBANCES
latitude                                                                 47.5475
longitude                                                               -122.316
zone_beat                                                                     O3
ff_at_scene_time                                             2012-12-21 20:53:00
bf_at_scene_time                                             2012-12-21 20:53:00
fhour                                                                         20
fdate                                                                 2012-12-21
fseason                                                                   winter
fyear                                                                       2012
bhour                                                                         20
bdate                                                                 2012-12-21
bseason                                                                   winter
byear                                                                       2012
hour                                                                          20
date                                                                  2012-12-21
season                                                                    winter
year                                                                        2012
Name: 1, dtype: object

In [11]:
from mpl_toolkits.basemap import Basemap
coords_lon = noise_data['longitude'].min(), noise_data['longitude'].max()
coords_lat = noise_data['latitude'].min(), noise_data['latitude'].max()
w = coords_lon[1]-coords_lon[0]
h = coords_lat[1]-coords_lat[0]
m = Basemap(llcrnrlon = coords_lon[0]-0.01*w,llcrnrlat=coords_lat[0]-0.01*h,
        projection='tmerc',ellps = 'WGS84',lat_ts =0,
            lat_0 = np.mean(coords_lat),lon_0=np.mean(coords_lon),resolution = 'i',
           suppress_ticks = True)
m.readshapefile('neighborhoods/WGS84/Neighborhoods','seattle',color = 'none',zorder = 2,drawbounds = True)
# load the shapefile, use the name 'states'
#map.readshapefile('st99_d00', name='states', drawbounds=True)
#m.plot(41,-87, marker = 'o')

<matplotlib.collections.LineCollection at 0x1166a1f90>

In [12]:
# set up a map dataframe
from lxml import etree
import pandas as pd
import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import as cm
from matplotlib.colors import Normalize
from matplotlib.collections import PatchCollection
from mpl_toolkits.basemap import Basemap
from shapely.geometry import Point, Polygon, MultiPoint, MultiPolygon
from shapely.prepared import prep
from pysal.esda.mapclassify import Natural_Breaks as nb
from descartes import PolygonPatch
import fiona
from itertools import chain

df_map = pd.DataFrame({
    'poly': [Polygon(xy) for xy in m.seattle],
    'hood_name': [hood['S_HOOD'] for hood in m.seattle_info]})
df_map['area_m'] = df_map['poly'].map(lambda x: x.area)
df_map['area_km'] = df_map['area_m'] / 100000

# Create Point objects in map coordinates from dataframe lon and lat values
map_points = pd.Series(
    [Point(m(mapped_x, mapped_y)) for mapped_x, mapped_y in zip(noise_data['longitude'], noise_data['latitude'])])
incident_points = MultiPoint(list(map_points.values))
hood_polygon = prep(MultiPolygon(list(df_map['poly'].values)))
# calculate points that fall within the London boundary
ldn_points = filter(hood_polygon.contains, incident_points)

In [15]:
from matplotlib.colors import LinearSegmentedColormap
def colorbar_index(ncolors, cmap, labels=None, **kwargs):
    This is a convenience function to stop you making off-by-one errors
    Takes a standard colour ramp, and discretizes it,
    then draws a colour bar with correctly aligned labels
    cmap = cmap_discretize(cmap, ncolors)
    mappable = cm.ScalarMappable(cmap=cmap)
    mappable.set_clim(-0.5, ncolors+0.5)
    colorbar = plt.colorbar(mappable, **kwargs)
    colorbar.set_ticks(np.linspace(0, ncolors, ncolors))
    if labels:
    return colorbar

def cmap_discretize(cmap, N):
    Return a discrete colormap from the continuous colormap cmap.

        cmap: colormap instance, eg. cm.jet. 
        N: number of colors.

        x = resize(arange(100), (5,100))
        djet = cmap_discretize(cm.jet, 5)
        imshow(x, cmap=djet)

    if type(cmap) == str:
        cmap = get_cmap(cmap)
    colors_i = np.concatenate((np.linspace(0, 1., N), (0., 0., 0., 0.)))
    colors_rgba = cmap(colors_i)
    indices = np.linspace(0, 1., N + 1)
    cdict = {}
    for ki, key in enumerate(('red', 'green', 'blue')):
        cdict[key] = [(indices[i], colors_rgba[i - 1, ki], colors_rgba[i, ki]) for i in xrange(N + 1)]
    return LinearSegmentedColormap( + "_%d" % N, cdict, 1024)

In [16]:
# draw ward patches from polygons
df_map['patches'] = df_map['poly'].map(lambda x: PolygonPatch(
    ec='#787878', lw=.25, alpha=.9,

fig = plt.figure()
ax = fig.add_subplot(111, axisbg='w', frame_on=False)

# we don't need to pass points to m() because we calculated using map_points and shapefile polygons
dev = m.scatter(
    [geom.x for geom in ldn_points],
    [geom.y for geom in ldn_points],
    5, marker='o', lw=.25,
    facecolor='#33ccff', edgecolor='w',
    alpha=0.9, antialiased=True,
    label='Noise Campliant Location', zorder=3)
# plot boroughs by adding the PatchCollection to the axes instance
ax.add_collection(PatchCollection(df_map['patches'].values, match_original=True))
# copyright and source data info
smallprint = ax.text(
    1.03, 0,
    'Total points: %s\n data from Seattle city 911 reports\n$\copyright$ Zhou' % len(ldn_points),
    ha='right', va='bottom',

# Draw a map scale
    coords_lon[0] + 0.08, coords_lat[0] + 0.015,
    coords_lon[0], coords_lat[0],
    barstyle='fancy', labelstyle='simple',
    fillcolor1='w', fillcolor2='#555555',
plt.title("Noise complaint locations, Seattle")
# this will set the image width to 722px at 100dpi
fig.set_size_inches(7.22, 5.25)
#plt.savefig('data/london_plaques.png', dpi=100, alpha=True)

<matplotlib.figure.Figure at 0x12fb08350>

In [17]:
df_map['count'] = df_map['poly'].map(lambda x: int(len(filter(prep(x).contains, ldn_points))))
df_map['density_m'] = df_map['count'] / df_map['area_m']
df_map['density_km'] = df_map['count'] / df_map['area_km']
# it's easier to work with NaN values when classifying
df_map.replace(to_replace={'density_m': {0: np.nan}, 'density_km': {0: np.nan}}, inplace=True)

In [18]:
breaks = nb(
# the notnull method lets us match indices when joining
jb = pd.DataFrame({'jenks_bins': breaks.yb}, index=df_map[df_map['density_km'].notnull()].index)
df_map = df_map.join(jb)
df_map.jenks_bins.fillna(-1, inplace=True)

In [19]:
#jenks_labels = ["<= %0.1f/km incidents $^2$(%s neighborhooods)" % (b, c) for b, c in zip(
#    breaks.bins, breaks.counts)]
jenks_labels = ["<= %0.1f incidents/km$^2$"%b for b in breaks.bins]
jenks_labels.insert(0, 'No complaint (%s neighborhoods)' % len(df_map[df_map['density_km'].isnull()]))

In [20]:
#from matplotlib import *
fig = plt.figure()
ax = fig.add_subplot(111, axisbg='w', frame_on=False)

# use a blue colour ramp - we'll be converting it to a map using cmap()
cmap = plt.get_cmap('Reds')
# draw wards with grey outlines
df_map['patches'] = df_map['poly'].map(lambda x: PolygonPatch(x, ec='#555555', lw=.2, alpha=1., zorder=4))
pc = PatchCollection(df_map['patches'], match_original=True)
# impose our colour map onto the patch collection
norm = Normalize()

# Add a colour bar
cb = colorbar_index(ncolors=len(jenks_labels), cmap=cmap, shrink=0.5, labels=jenks_labels)

# Show highest densities, in descending order
#highest = '\n'.join(
#    value[1] for _, value in df_map[(df_map['jenks_bins'] == 4)][:10].sort().iterrows())
#highest = 'Most Dense Complains:\n\n' + highest
# Subtraction is necessary for precise y coordinate alignment
#details =
#   -1., 0 - 0.007,
#    highest,
#    ha='right', va='bottom',
#    size=5,
#    color='#555555')

# Bin method, copyright and source data info
smallprint = ax.text(
    1.03, 0,
    '911 Seattle City police report\n$\copyright$ Zhou',
    ha='right', va='bottom',

# Draw a map scale
    coords_lon[0] + 0.08, coords_lat[0] + 0.015,
    coords_lon[0], coords_lat[0],
    barstyle='fancy', labelstyle='simple',
    fillcolor1='w', fillcolor2='#555555',
# this will set the image width to 722px at 100dpi
plt.title('Density of Noise Complaints')
fig.set_size_inches(7.22, 5.25)
#plt.savefig('data/london_plaques.png', dpi=100, alpha=True)

<matplotlib.figure.Figure at 0x12fb26050>

In [20]:


In [ ]: